Everything You Need to Know About Duplexed Cards

What are duplexed cards?
The word “duplex” simply means “having two parts”. Duplexed cards are created by gluing two or more sheets of board together to create high quality, super-thick cards. Simple really! These days everyone has 400gsm matt laminated cards so here is your chance to do something special.
What are the benefits of duplexed cards?
Duplexed cards look and feel distinctively different.
From a visual perspective, one of the main benefits of the duplexing process is that by combining sheets of different coloured board you can achieve a distinctive and eye-catching multi-coloured edge to the card.
Duplexed cards don’t only look stunning though – their heavyweight feel is also sure to be noticed. The fact that duplexed cards are super-thick makes them robust and durable as well as feeling great in the hand.
There’s another key benefit when special print finishes are required. Traditionally, if you were to emboss or deboss one side of a card, you would end up with an indent on the other side – but not so with duplexing. By embossing or debossing a sheet of board prior to duplexing you can avoid this problem and greatly improve the aesthetics of your cards. However, please be aware with a large embossed area it can still pull through a shadow when glued together but broadly it leaves the reverse side flat which is a real bonus
How are duplexed cards made?
The duplexing process involves applying special glue to two (or more) sheets of board and carefully compressing them together with high-pressure rollers.
Duplexed sheets are then kept flat for several hours to avoid any curling and to allow the glue to dry completely.
What other special print finishes work well with duplexed cards?
Other special finishes such as soft touch lamination or foil blocking will make your duplexed cards look and feel even more special.
For something really unique you can even laser cut through one layer of your duplexed cards so that the contrasting colour of the other layer shows through! If you’re looking to achieve a slightly more subtle effect consider using this process with two duplexed boards of the same colour or foil block with clear foil.
Adding special print finishes makes duplexed cards an excellent choice for premium brands or any company needing to make a great first impression.
How much do duplexed cards cost?
Due to the fact that the print specification for duplexed cards can vary greatly from one job to the next, most printers will usually quote for projects individually. However, on our duplexed cards web page you’ll find some guide prices together with photos of some stunning duplexed cards that we’ve printed for various clients.
Want to find out more about duplexed cards?
Click here to visit our duplexed cards web page or call us on 01444 236204. Our friendly customer support team would love to share their knowledge and experience!