Display Boards – Environmentally friendly & sustainable, Cardboard Displays

We’ve realised the amazing properties of the sandwich paper board. Amazingly strong and light. Made with wood pulp/cardboard, so it’s completely sustainable and compostable. All sourced from managed forestry where more trees are planted than are cut down and new trees are actually better on consuming carbon than the old ones!
At either 10mm or 16mm thick, the board is perfect for printing on and cutting to any shape you need. Light enough to hang from a ceiling and move around easily, and strong enough to mount other fittings to it.
Totally environmentally friendly, the edge shows to prove its paper content. If you don’t like the edge showing we can cover it with a white or black trim, but it is plastic! Another alternative is the white paper core, a little more expensive but still available.
We have a few examples here of what they can be used for. The ideal portable presentation board.