Are printed calendars obsolete?

Our busy lives revolve around dates, times and appointments so in this age of digital development it could be easy to assume that traditional printed calendars are a thing of the past.
Most of us use a digital calendar of some description on our computer, smartphone or tablet and rely on them (heavily, in my case) for remembering dates, checking upcoming appointments etc. however, research has shown that there’s still a place in many homes and workplaces for the trusty printed calendar. Some industry studies have demonstrated that it will take another generation of calendar users to fully convert to electronic. Even at that, printed calendars will always be an interesting and pleasant item to rest the eye on when faced with the day’s challenges and it quickly supports the kinaesthetic type who relies on a visual display of the whole month to grasp a date.
So although physical calendars certainly go back a long way, there seems to be ample evidence to suggest that we’re nowhere near ready to abandon them just yet. In fact printed calendars appear to be one of the most popular and powerful promotional items available!
Quite apart from the practical applications of printed calendars they’re a cost-effective way of enhancing a home or office environment. Many contain incredible images of nature and stunning landscapes that we wouldn’t bother to look for if they weren’t put in front of us, and they add colour and beauty to walls or desks which could otherwise be plain, cold and boring. The printed calendar is not dependent on batteries or power supply, it will not catch a bug that corrupts it or completely deletes it, your important dates remain highlighted whenever you look at it.
It was this last characteristic that led us to develop last year’s Epic 2017 – a handy desk calendar full of attractive imagery, and now our ‘2018 Wildlife up Close’ is ready to view. Enquire today to find out more about this attractive and useful promotional item that is sure to be well-received by clients and prospects alike.